Best Ever Guacamole!

Years ago in my pre-kid life, my awesome friend Kelsey shared her Guacamole recipe with me. It’s actually quite simple to make and tastes so delicious. I recently made it again by request for my niece and realized after searching for the scrap of paper I wrote it on, that I really needed to be recorded somewhere more permanent so everyone can enjoy it! You can thank me later!


Easy Guacamole

4 ripe avocados

1/4 cup seeded and diced tomatoes

3 Tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice (seriously, go for fresh, it makes a big difference!)

2 cloves of fresh minced garlic

1/4 chopped white onion

1 tbsp of cilantro

Salt and Pepper to taste

MIx and mash everything together! Enjoy with taco chips!